Making Strides Walk/Lebed Method class
I hope you enjoy my newest video. It has pictures from a Lebed Method class I particiapted in on Oct. 12 and from the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk at Lighthouse Point Park on Oct. 19. I'm especially fond of the video because it features my friend and special angel, Miss Connecticut 2008 Ashley Glenn. Ashley is a physical therapy doctorate student at Quinnipiac University and she promotes thriving, not merely surving, a focus on healing, through the Lebed Method, for her community service platform in the Miss America program. She is a certified Lebed Method instructor and so I'm enjoying promoting her cause as well. (As a member of the Miss Connecticut Board of Directors, it's not too hard for me to do.) While Ashley is promoting the program locally, she will introduce it to the nation when she competes in Miss America in January. The Lebed Method is a mild, therapeutic exercise program that opens up the lymphatic vessels and aids people with lymphedema, fibromyalgia and other illnesses. It is especially helpful to breast cancer survivors whose arms swell after lymph node removal. I'll be writing more about lymphedema in a future column.