I've been so bogged down with work for the Register and for the Miss Connecticut Scholarship Program, my volunteer organization, that I haven't had time to check in. Actually, I think that I just can't do as much any more. My mother tells me to slow down...AAAAAHHHH!! No time for that!
Anyhow, I started radiation a week and a half ago. My NuBoob skin is already pink. I did an interview for my column the other day and that woman's breast was brownish-red. Guess I have that to look forward to. So far, radiation isn't that bad but you have to go each weekday. It's a constant reminder that you have cancer.
Chat soon,
Hope all is well with you, still trying to move along. let e know when you would like to do a story on Esophageal Cancer. People still not talkig about it. Good Morning America, finally did a story a good one now we need primetime. My families suffering can not be for no reason.
Maggie- EC fighter
Hi Ann,
I'm Julie, a survivor, single mother of two. I think it's great that your blogging. My sister lives in New Haven and shared your link with me. I did a blog while I was fighting, http://julie-prettyinpink.blogspot.com because I found that I couldn't keep up with all the influx of people, family, etc to check on me. Plus, it was a great outlet for me. Since then the blog became a book, Seeking Clear Margins. I had a professional photograper document my fight from the day I was diagnosed to present day cancer free!! It's a great pictorial reference for women who were recently diagnosed and their caretakers. I could not find anything like this so I self published my own. For more information, please go to seekingclearmargins.com. I hope your doing well. I just ran the Race for the Cure in Savannah and was surrounded by sisters/survivors, so powerful. Take good care,
Julie Grimm
Hi Girls,
Thanks for contacting me. I don't check my blog very often. Ec-Fighter, sure I'd like to write about esophogeal cancer. Please email me at adematteo@nhregister.com.
Hi Ann,
I have been reading your column for awhile and I am inspired by your strength and positive attitude.
Radiation is solitary and tiring both physically and emotionally.
It is hard going every day and I began counting down the days on the first day. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
I hope all goes well for you. Take care.
Hi Tina,
I finish with radiation on Thursday. Now my skin is starting to peel and it's painful.
Take care,
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