Blogs > Ann DeMatteo's Why Us?

Since my breast cancer diagnosis on June 9, 2008, I have spent a fairly decent amount of time wondering "why me?" I would like to hear from you about your cancer stories. Let's create a dialogue of learning, sharing and hope.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Hi Folks,
We're almost done with another Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I just got home from a great fundraiser, "Cocktails for a Cure," to benefit Dr. Andrea Silber's Sister to Sister Program at the Hospital of St. Raphael.
Tons of people showed up at Dunn's Pub for the event, organized by my support group, the Pink Ladies.
Still trying to figure out what to do with my left breast.
Still concerned about why so many people are struck with breast cancer, and cancer in general.
My cat, Patches, is laying on my desk at home as I write this and I'm trying to figure out if the thing on her tummy is a flea or just a black mark. She won't let me touch her stomach though without scratching or biting, and if she got my left hand, then I risk infection due to the lymphedema.
Sorry I haven't written lately. Can't get used to blogging.