Blogs > Ann DeMatteo's Why Us?

Since my breast cancer diagnosis on June 9, 2008, I have spent a fairly decent amount of time wondering "why me?" I would like to hear from you about your cancer stories. Let's create a dialogue of learning, sharing and hope.

Friday, August 22, 2008

My first post

Hi Folks,
I hope you enjoy my column, which will appear in Sunday's paper. Let me know your thoughts.
In case you missed my first two columns, you can find them here and here.


Blogger LuAnn said...

Hi Ann-

LuAnn Buono (North Haven)-Just wanted to let you know I'm following your (oh too familiar)story. Although I haven't directly been inflicted by this disease, I have been a supporter of many close friends and family (including my mother) over the past decade. I can tell by your articles you have all the tools to beat this disease; strength, faith, fighter, positive attitude and being open. Stay strong in your fight and the one advice I can give you is lean on the people close to you when you need to. Don't feel guilty or feel like you need to be in control. This is the only way they can feel they are helping you in your battle. And they want to be there for you! Good Luck and I look forward to following your story.


P.S.-By the way, right move with your hair. My friend did the same thing and she was much happier than going bald right away. It was a good way for her to adjust to the loss of hair.

August 25, 2008 at 2:51 PM 

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